About Mālie Ayurveda and Jessica Kato

Empowering Wellness and Transformation

Our Logo: The Symbol of Connection with Nature

Mālie Ayurveda is more than a name; it represents a holistic connection with nature. Nature, a generous ally, supports and nurtures us, encouraging us to shine when we align with its rhythms. Our logo encapsulates three symbols embodying our ethos.

Brahmi/Gotu Kola Plant, Brahma Kamal, and the Honeybee

The Brahma Kamal, a revered flower associated with longevity and mythological significance, blooms only once a year, symbolizing purity and fleeting beauty. Brahma Kamal, linked to the birth of deities, stands as a testament to life's transformative nature.

Likewise, the Brahmi/Gotu Kola plant represents cognitive enhancement and longevity, fostering a link between mind and universal consciousness, reflecting the interconnectedness of our existence.

The Honeybee, a vital pollinator, symbolizes the nectar of the gods and embodies healing and the sustenance of life.

Jessica Kato: A Journey of Transformation and Healing

At the heart of Mālie Ayurveda is Jessica Kato, an Ayurveda practitioner whose personal journey intertwines with the transformative power of Ayurveda and subconscious healing.

Personal Evolution Through Ayurveda

From an early age, Jessica's profound connection to food manifested a lifelong curiosity toward healthier eating. Her life took an unexpected turn during a homestay in Finland, igniting a struggle with body image that continued for years. It was through the practice of Ayurveda in 2017 that Jessica's life found a new rhythm and meaning.

Embracing a path of learning and transformation, Jessica delved into the study of Ayurveda in the United States and India. In 2018, she received certification as an Ayurveda Health Advisor at Hale Pule Ayurveda and Yoga. However, a desire for swifter transformations led Jessica to explore subconscious healing as an alternative method to facilitate immediate change.

Empowering Lives Through Subconscious Healing and Ayurveda

Today, Jessica specializes in Ayurveda and subconscious healing, conducting over 10,000 reading sessions internationally each year. Her passion extends beyond healing and Ayurveda, encompassing surfing, fluency in Chinese Mandarin, and a vision to aid lives in English, Japanese, and Chinese Mandarin.

Ayurvedic Gut Cleanse Book from Jessica

Ayurvedic Gut Cleanse Book from Jessica

Jessicaʻs first book is available in Japanese!

著書:『理想の自分に近づく「アーユルヴェーダ式 5 日間腸活」夢を叶える人が食事前にやっていること』(ザメディアジョン)



  • 食事で自分を調える「これさえやればOK!」という8つのポイント伝授!

  • 5日間で食べ過ぎ、飲み過ぎて疲れた腸をリセットできる!

  • 食事を改善すれば、「朝起きれない」がなくなる!

  • 日々の食事を通して理想の自分に近づくことが可能に!



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“Live a well-balanced life, it will bring peace.”

- Bhagavad Gita